The New England Camp Fair 2024 will take place on November 2, 2024 from 11am-2pm.
Please note: the 2024 Fair sold out, and we expect another sell-out in for the 2025 Fair!

New England Camp Fair Location:
Underwood Elementary School Gymnasium
101 Vernon St, Newton, MA 02458
About the New England Camp Fair
New England-area camps are cordially invited to exhibit at the 5th Annual New England Camp Fair organized by the Underwood PTO. Our fair serves as a great way to bring your camp to Newton-area families with children ages 5–14.
The fair will be held at Underwood Elementary School, which is located conveniently off Exit 127 of the Mass Pike in Newton Corner.
Who is Underwood PTO?
Underwood Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a 501(c)3. We serve as the fundraising arm for Underwood Elementary School. Both the school and PTO are located at 101 Vernon St, Newton, MA 02458. You can find us online at
Who should exhibit?
Any organization that offers summer camps and opportunities in greater New England accommodating children ages 5–14.
When is payment due?
Your completed registration form holds your spot. Payment is due no later than 30 days prior to the event.
How do you attract attendees?
The New England Camp Fair is promoted through flyers sent home to various Newton elementary and middle schools. The Fair will also be publicized through the local media outlets, online parent groups, community events calendars, Facebook, as well as through direct advertisement using the PTO newsletters of various elementary schools. Newton is home to 15 public elementary schools and four middle school, serving ~8,300 students in grades K-81. Additionally, ~48% of Newton residents in grades K-8 attend private schools, extending the reach of our event2.
The New England Camp Fair attracts enthusiastic potential campers from surrounding communities including Boston, Brookline, Watertown, Wellesley, and Weston.
What will my booth look like?
We have three options for participation in the 2025 Camp Fair:
- Standard booth: 6′ table with one chair. Table clothes are not provided. No electricity is available at standard booths. Reserve a standard booth.
- Premium booth: 6′ table with two chairs and access to one electrical outlet. Table clothes are not provided. Reserve a premium booth.
- Swag Bag: Camps may send one (1) piece of literature (flyer, brochure, etc.) to be included in a bag that will be given to each attendee. Camps choosing this option do not need to attend the Camp Fair. Literature must be received by October 28, 2024 or we cannot guarantee enclosure. The Swag Bag option is available as an add-on to a booth, or an individual option. Reserve your spot in the Swag Bag.
Booth selection is completed upon payment.
Exhibitors need to provide their own tablecloths, if desired. At this time, electricity is available only for select tables. (Choose a premium booth at registration to guarantee access to electricity.)
How are booths assigned?
Our space is limited to 32 exhibitors. Tables are assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis with an effort to balance camp offerings. We recommend that you reserve early. Booths are not guaranteed until payment is received.
Where do I go to check into the event and what will happen at check-in?
The gymnasium entrance is located next to the main parking lot for the school. Signs will point the way to the gymnasium entrance. Check in will take place beginning at 10:00am. Please be sure to stop by our Welcome table. You will receive your booth assignment and any last minute instructions for the day.
What time should I arrive to the event?
Exhibitor sign-in will open at 10:00am. You are asked to be at your booth and ready to see attendees at 11:00am. The Fair will officially open at 11:00am.
What time can I teardown and leave?
Teardown is from 2:00–2:30pm. Please do not tear down your booth prior to 2:00pm. You are responsible for disposing of your trash in designated receptacles at the end of the event.
Will there be refreshments?
Coffee and light snacks will be available for everyone in attendance, including exhibitors.
Are there other rules and regulations?
- Glitter, confetti, bubbles, and fog machines are not permitted.
- All emergency exits must be kept clear at all times of all equipment.
- Smoking is not permitted inside the Bigelow Gym or within 20’ of the building.
- Food stations, bars, tables, and chairs are not permitted.
- No type of pyrotechnic equipment may be used.
- Only free-standing decorations are permitted; nothing may be affixed, nailed, glued or attached in any manner to any gym surface.
Is there a literature-only option?
Yes! We are excited to offer our popular “Swag Bag” option. If you cannot attend in person, you can send camp materials that will be included in a bag that every attendee receives, ensuring your camp information makes it into their hands.
Where can I get an application?
You can register for New England Camp Fair 2025 here.
More questions?
Please email us at